2018 3MT Winners and Finalists


Winner: Rainie Nelson

Major: Chemical Engineering
Presentation: Shining A Light: The Power of Perovskites


Runner Up: Andrew Downs

Major: Electrical Engineering
Presentation: Preventing Catastrophe: Advancing the Science of Non-destructive Evaluation



People’s Choice Award: Manreet Singh Bhullar

Major: Food Science and Technology
Presentation: The Fate of Fallen Produce



Entire Event Video



NameMajorPresentation Title
Carmen ReynoldsNutritional Science; BiochemistryHow a Vitamin D Metabolite Regulates Calcium Absorption
Andrew DownsElectrical EngineeringPreventing Catastrophe: Advancing the Science of Non-destructive Evaluation
Jeffrey RokkumPsychology; Human Computer InteractionOn Anxiety and Multitasking
Yueyi JiaoElectrical EngineeringFlexible Strain Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring
Kelsey FisherEntomologyMonarch Butterfly Movement Ecology
Rainie NelsonChemical EngineeringShining A Light: The Power of Perovskites
Graham RedweikMicrobiologyA Tale of Two Immunogens: Unique Responses to Live Supplements in Chickens
Manreet Singh BhullarFood Science and TechnologyThe Fate of Fallen Produce