2021 3MT Winners and Finalists


Winner: Njeshi Charity Nya

Major: Toxicology
Presentation: Drug Development for the Treatment of Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)

Runner Up: Abesh Bera

Major: Microbiology
Presentation: Remote Spatial Coordination within Cytoskeleton Regulates Timing of Cell Division



People’s Choice Award: Carlos Llosa

Major: Statistics
Presentation: Suicide Risk Assessment



Entire Event Video



NameMajorPresentation Title
Swathy KrishnaGenetics and GenomicsDoes a High-Fat High Sugar Diet Make Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Worse?
Kate BorchardtEcology and Evolutionary BiologyISU Prairie Strip Honey: Status and Future Directions
Holly LoperMicrobiologyNovel Field Study to Measure Environmental Nitrogen Losses from Maize
Rachel SorensenToxicologyPossible Problems with Puny Plastic Particles
Abesh BeraMicrobiologyRemote Spatial Coordination within Cytoskeleton Regulates Timing of Cell Division
Carlos LlosaStatisticsSuicide Risk Assessment
Meghan GageNeuroscienceEpilepsy: Disease Mitigation via Neuroinflammatory Pathways
Charity Njeshi NyaToxicologyDrug Development for the Treatment of Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)