2024 3MT Winners and Finalists


Eight graduate students competed Wednesday in Memorial Unions South Ballroom, both in-person and virtually. The eight students were chosen from a previous competition held Oct. 23rd.

3MT judges and winners

Winner: David Hall

Major: Genetics and Genomics
Presentation: Unraveling virus infection in the world's deadliest animal.


Runner Up: Derek Ten Pas

Major: Civil Engineering
Presentation: Uncovering Reasons Behind Poor Water Treatment Plant Operation

People’s Choice Award: Timilehin Ayanlade

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Presentation: Enhancing Satellite Capability with Drones: AI for Smarter Crop Trait Estimation

Entire Event Video


NameMajorPresentation Title
Elizabeth SundayGeology           Earthquake: The invisible crack under our feet
Derek Ten PasCivil EngineeringUncovering Reasons Behind Poor Water Treatment Plant Operation
Anne-Ultelie PoinconForestryMapping presence of invasive Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) using remote sensing methods             
Ian ClarkAstrophysicsRecreational Outbursting White Dwarfs
David HallGenetics and GenomicsUnraveling virus infection in the world's deadliest animal
Timilehin AyanladeMechanical EngineeringEnhancing Satellite Capability with Drones: AI for Smarter Crop Trait Estimation
Muhammad SarwarElectrical EngineeringEfficient and Reliable Integration of Renewable Energy Using Machine Learning 
Devanshi MistryChemical EngineeringPowering Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing Through Fermentation and Electrochemistry