3MT: Three Minute Thesis

9th annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition
The Graduate College is pleased to sponsor the Ninth Annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition for graduate-student researchers.
What is 3MT?

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) celebrates the exciting research conducted by master’s or Ph.D. students around the world. Presenting in a 3MT competition increases students' capacity to explain their research in three minutes in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. Competitors are allowed one PowerPoint slide, but no other resources or props. Timelines and guidelines are listed below.

- September 22, 2024: at 11:59 p.m.: Application deadline to be considered for the 3MT competition
- September 19, 2024: Applicants will be notified regarding their selection for the 3MT competition
- September 25, 2024: from 3-4 p.m.: Information Session
- September 26, 2024: from 4-5 p.m.: Information Session
- October 20, 2024: at 11:59 p.m.: 3MT slide submission deadline
- October 23, 2024: Preliminary Competition
- October 24, 2024: Preliminary Competition winners announced
- November 7, 2024, 6pm in South Ballroom: Final Competition as part of University Lecture Series
Participants must be currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral degree program that requires students to conduct their own research (dissertation, thesis, or creative component).
Three participants will be recognized with awards. The winner of the final competition receives a $500 Ubill scholarship and may be asked to represent the university in other 3MT events. A scholarship of $250 will be awarded to the final competition's Runner Up and People’s Choice Award winner. The Graduate College will also raffle off two travel grants worth $200 each, as well as one U-Bill scholarship worth $200 for participants in their final year of graduate school. Every participant will have the opportunity to cultivate their presentation, research, and academic skills.
Winners will be determined by a panel of judges using the official 3MT competition rubrics. Judges for the initial heats will be invited from the Iowa State University faculty and staff and the local community. Judges for the final competition will be well-known Iowa constituents.
At every level of the competition, each competitor will be assessed on the judging criteria listed below. Each criterion is equally weighted and has an emphasis on audience.
Comprehension and Content
- Presentation provided clear background and significance to the research question.
- Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research.
- Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research.
Engagement and Communication
- The oration was delivered clearly, and the language was appropriate for a non-specialist audience.
- The PowerPoint slide was well-defined and enhanced the presentation.
- The presenter conveyed enthusiasm for their research and captured and maintained the audience's attention.
Successful competitors will spend adequate time on each element of the presentation without rushing while emphasizing the significance and application of his/her research and leaving the audience wanting to learn more.
For feedback on your 3MT slide or the speech you are planning to incorporate into your 3MT presentation, please make an appointment with a Communication Consultant at the Center for Communication Excellence.
Contact the 3MT committee (Sarah Huffman, Denise Vrchota, Laura Reed, Erin Todey) at 3mtcompetition@iastate.edu to learn more and get answers to your specific questions.